Theatre for Activism: CHARGE UP

On November 9th & 10th, TCG will host Charge Up, a virtual gathering for all theatre people to share practices at the intersections of art and activism. When we learn from change-makers within and beyond our sector, we not only strengthen our own work, but also build the collective power our theatre ecology needs now.

Over the past year, the compounding crises facing our theatre ecology have intensified, leading some theatres to close or downsize while some theatre workers have left the field altogether. In our Theatre Leader Connectedness meetings, the grief and burnout have been palpable. That’s why we hosted Rest Up in April, our virtual gathering of self and collective care practices—and our highest-rated convening ever. 

On November 9th & 10th, we’ll build on that work with Charge Up, a virtual gathering to share the changemaking practices our field needs now. From inflationary pressures to the climate crisis to hollowed-out public spaces to rising violence and polarization, so many of the crises we face also exist in our broader culture. When we make common cause and learn with changemakers within and beyond our theatre sector, our collective strength to meet these crises grows.

That’s why Charge Up will connect theatre workers and trustees to activists within and beyond our sector to share practices. What can our community engagement departments share with community organizers? How can our marketing teams learn from canvassers and get-out-the vote initiatives to connect with audiences? In a time of precarity, how can mutual aid and other resource-sharing models foster abundance? What are the cross-sector media strategies we can use to advocate for renewed investment in public goods, including the arts

Charge Up is a gathering for everyone in our field—theatre leaders, trustees, artists, educators, marketing and development staff, and more—as well as anyone interested in the intersection of the arts and activism. Participants will engage with two days of skills-building sessions to help our theatre ecology learn from wide-range of practices. These practices will not only benefit individual theatres and theatre-makers, but also build the collective power our theatre ecology needs now.

Learn More about T4A

About Registration Pricing

Consider paying $150 if you...

  • Feel you can afford to do so.
  • Are consistently well compensated for your work in the theatre field.
  • Work at an organization that is financially stable and will cover the cost of your registration.
  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power within or beyond the theatre field.
  • Would like to help cover the cost of a fellow attendee who is not in the position to offer payment.

Consider paying $75 if you...

  • Feel you can afford to do so.
  • Have adequate financial support and housing stability.
  • Consider yourself sufficiently compensated for your theatre work.
  • Work at an organization that is financially stable and will cover the cost of your registration.

Consider paying $25 if you...

  • Feel you can afford to do so.
  • Are not experiencing financial hardship or housing instability.
  • Are financially compensated for your work at a living wage.
  • Work at an organization that will cover the cost of your registration.

If you are unemployed and/or experiencing financial instability, are making less than a living wage, or if any cost is otherwise a barrier to your Charge Up registration, please email [email protected] to request a further discounted or complimentary registration.

11/9/2023 12:00 PM - 11/10/2023 6:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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