Advocacy Updates at TCG + Opportunities to Take Action

Thank you for your continued support! We continue to express gratitude for the contributions of Laurie Baskin, and congratulate her on her retirement. As I step into this role amidst times of frequent change and in a presidential election year, I am reminded that Toni Morrison once told us, “This is precisely when artists go to work!”. Thus, our advocacy work at TCG continues. 


Raising the threshold for qualified performing artists


This week, Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) & Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced the Performing Artist Tax Parity Act of 2024. The Qualified Performing Artist tax deduction has not been updated since its inception in 1986 and is currently only available to those making less than $16,000 a year, meaning that very few artists qualify. This legislation would update and increase the income ceiling to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for married joint filers, allowing more lower- and middle-income performing artists to receive tax relief for work-related expenses.


“Theatre artists accumulate many unique expenses in order to keep creating necessary dialogue, reflection, and art on our nation’s stages,” said Erica Lauren Ortiz, Director of Advocacy & Governance, Theatre Communications Group. “They often create art at personal financial sacrifice, and their investments bring together audiences and stimulate the economy in cities and towns across America.” Read more here


STAGE Act Activation Day


On April 9, Sens. Peter Welch (D-VT), John Fetterman (D-PA), and Jack Reed (D-RI) and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) introduced the Supporting Theater and the Arts to Galvanize the Economy Act (STAGE) Act (H.R.7894/S.4084).


 On Tuesday, July 30, the Professional Non-Profit Theatre Coalition will host a grassroots activation day in support of the legislation. Please consider dedicating time on July 30 to contacting your federal elected officials in support of the STAGE Act. This outreach can be done from anywhere and can take a variety of forms: a meeting at the district office, a phone call or email to a member or their staff, a social media post, or better yet, all of the above. For more information and activation materials, click here.


Supporting the NEH and the NEA

Thank you for your continued advocacy in support of the NEA and the NEH! A recent effort to further cut NEA and NEH by an additional $48 million each was defeated, and Chairman of the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) remarked in support, “This is one of the really good things the government does." We agree. As the senate marks up the bill this week, please continue to show your support. To take action, click here.


 Have a question, an advocacy win you would like to share, or want to highlight an issue we should be following? Feel free to email me at [email protected]. Learn more about TCG's arts advocacy, here.

In partnership,

Erica Lauren Ortiz, Interim Sr. Programmer, Advocacy & Governance