Building off the MegaLAB session from TCG’s 2022 National Conference, The Storm Continues: A TCG Virtual LAB on Theare's Labor Justice and Workforce Challenges will offer a temperature check, space for research, and conversation with peers about the field’s ongoing labor crisis and mounting workforce challenges

At the 2022 Conference session, burnout was named the top pain point for folks in attendance, with issues of deficit budgets and equitable compensation coming in a close second. Using these findings as a baseline, TCG will revisit some of these pain points to better understand what is fueling that burnout and work-related anxiety across the field. 

TCG will also share our findings from our most recent Salary Survey and Theatre Facts, and offer analysis of those findings. Attendees will be organized into small groups to reflect on the data, to draw connections to labor practices today, and to map out the changes we can make to shift practices. 

The Storm Continues
A TCG Virtual LAB on Theare's Labor Justice and Workforce Challenges
March 9, 2023, 2:30pm ET